¡Hola a todas! Por fin os puedo mostrar mis nuevas agrarraderas o cojederos (como prefiráis llamarlos) de ganchillo. Los he hecho usando el motivo 'Daffodil' y a juego con las posavasos Daffodil que os adelanté aquÃ.
Here they are! :-)
Aquà los tenéis :-)
Dos piezas hexagonales, anverso y reverso, unidas por un borde.
Two hexagonal pieces, front and back, joined by a border.
...ahora ya tengo el juego completo listo para este verano.
...now my new crochet kitchen set is ready for this summer.
Espero que os guste :-)
I hope you like it :-)
I've been busy with my work (you know crochet is my hobby) and reforms at home last month, and felt sad because I couldn't do as much crochet as I wished during all that time. Now I can take hook and yarn in hands again and I'm working so hard in new crochet projects that I'll show you soon. This is a little advance...
... hasta entonces, ¡os deseo una feliz entrada al verano y muchÃsimas gracias por todo vuestro apoyo, vuestras visitas y estimulantes comentarios! :-)
I wish you a happy and stimulating entry into the new season and thank you for always being there! :-)
¡Feliz y creativo dÃa!
Happy and creative day!