It is done! I've taken the plunge and started a large crochet project that...will also involve a fair amount of crochet flowers.

¡Ya está! He dado el paso y he comenzado un proyecto de ganchillo de los grandes, grandes que... también implicará una buena cantidad de flores a ganchillo.

Crochet flowers, beginning a new project, Anabelia Craft Design

I've already crocheted quite a few flowers using the 4 colors of Anchor Freccia nº 6 thread I told you about in my previous post.

Ya llevo tejidas bastantes flores usando los 4 colores de Anchor Freccia nº 6 que os comentaba en mi post anterior.

Crochet flowers, beginning a new project, Anabelia Craft Design

This four Anchor Freccia thread colors are perfect for me to get flowers in these 8 color combinations. I got a pretty good stash of skeins, so I believe they will be enough for the project and I hope I won't be in a bind in the end as this crochet project is going to need a total of 99 flowers!

Los cuatro colores de hilo Anchor Freccia me valen perfectamente para obtener flores en estas 8 combinaciones de colores. Tengo un buen alijo de ovillos, así que creo que serán suficientes para el proyecto y espero no verme en aprietos al final dado que este proyecto de ganchillo va a necesitar una total de ¡99 flores!

Crochet flowers, beginning a new project, Anabelia Craft Design

I will continue to tell you more about this crochet project as I progress.

Os seguiré contando más sobre este proyecto de ganchillo a medida que vaya avanzando.

Crochet flowers, beginning a new project, Anabelia Craft Design

🌸  🌸  🌸  🌸  🌸  🌸  🌸

January 2022 - Round Up

I've been on rounds of all the blogs I usually read to see what they had in hand this January, and I've found all this wonder inspiration that I hope you'll also enjoy.

He estado de ronda por todos los blogs que suelo leer para ver qué tenían entre manos esta mes de Enero, y he encontrado estas maravillas que espero disfrutéis también vosotras.

1. Modern Baby Blanket Crochet by Daisy Cottage Desings

Modern Baby Blanket Crochet by Daisy Cottage Desings

2. Crochet potholders by Anna Virkpanna

Crochet potholders by Anna Virkpanna

3. Blooming crochet necklace by The Little Treasures

Blooming crochet necklace by The Little Treasures

4. Crochet Cable Pillow by Annemarie´s Haakblog.

Crochet Cable Pillow by Annemarie´s Haakblog

5. Patchwork Crochet Cardigan by Make and do crew

Patchwork Crochet Cardigan by Make and do crew

6. Tapestry Crochet bookmark with hearts by Nordic Hook

Tapestry Crochet bookmark with hearts by Nordic Hook

7. Crochet Polar Bear Pillow by Repeat Crafter Me.

Crochet Polar Bear Pillow by Repeat Crafter Me

8. Snowman by Mis Pequi Cosas.

Snowman by Mis Pequi Cosas

9. Plant hanger by Vestywo.

Plant hanger by Vestywo.

10. Last but not least, a beautiful Illustration by Mia Charro

Illustration by Mia Charro

Well, and this is all ... for now 😉
Be happy and enjoy all the good things that surround you 💕
Happy and creative week, ladies!

Bien, esto es todo... por ahora 😉
Sed felices y disfrutad de todo lo bueno que os rodea. 💕
¡Feliz y creativa semana a todas!